Andrea Repetto

Andrea Repetto


Andrea Repetto (Turin, 1965) studied with A. Farulli at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole. He raduated with highest honours from the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence and then continued his viola and string quartet studies with Y. Bashmet, M. Skampa. G. Kurtàg and P. Farulli.

He is a founding member of the Quartetto d’archi di Torino (Turin String Quartet) which has been awarded several prizes in national and international competitions such as the Evian String Quartet Competition and the Vittorio Gui International Competition. With said ensemble he has played for the past thirty years in the main concert seasons in Italy and abroad, collaborating in quintet with artists such as Karl Leister, Aldo Ciccolini, Valentin Berlinskij, Piero Farulli, Enrico Dindo, Boris Petrushansky, Antonello Farulli, Giuseppe Garbarino, Andrea Nannoni, amongst others.

He is very committed to teaching and holds regular viola and chamber music courses at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole (Orchestra Giovanile Italiana), the Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento di Saluzzo and the summer courses of the Mahler Akademie.

Andrea Repetto is also a tenured teacher at the Claudio Monteverdi Conservatory of Bolzano, where he teaches viola and quartet. He plays a viola Pietro Testore (Milan 1767).

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